Class 1 - Introduction to FEA
- 1 day
- Instructor lead or seminar
- Theory and hands-on exercises (using HyperWorks or LS-Dyna)
Content and Target Audience:
This course is targeted at those people with an engineering background, but not necessarily
a simulation background to get them familiar with modern simulation and how it can be used in
the overall engineering process. New simulation engineers, managers, and design engineers will
benefit from this course syllabus. By the end of the course the student should be able to explain
FEA theory, know how to solve a basic structural problem and be able to interpret results.
- Overview of FEA - where it came from and where it's going
- Use of FEA in the modern development process
- Introductory theory
- Types of analysis - linear, nonlinear, implicit, explicit
- Element types
- Planning models
- Element type and mesh density
- Boundary conditions and loading
- Connecting parts together
- Contact
- Nonlinear analysis
- Reviewing, understanding and presenting results